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What’s new in AVIS Engine 2.0.1

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New Environment , NEW Everything

The new version of  AVIS Engine had changed a lot from the last versions, the new city got a new look to the simulator and brings new challenges. A new traffic system added for real world scenarios.

In the new version, now it’s possible to achieve higher resolution frames from camera using the new algorithms added to both server and client api sides to improve and optimize the connection.

2.1.0 (-Not Released: Planned for March, 2022)

  • Switching to ZMQ
  • Configuration file
  • Configurable Camera settings (FOV, Position, Mode, Bird-eye view, …)
  • Configurable Post Processing (DOF, Bloom, Color Corrections, …)
  • Semantic mode
  • Depth Camera
  • Radar
  • Pub-sub pattern messaging system

– 2.0.1

  • Major API Update
  • Updated Image Encoding
  • Compressed TCP Packets
  • Added
  • Added Traffic System
  • Improved Lights
  • Added
  • Higher Resolution camera with better performance
  • Adjustable Camera Resolution
  • Message Compression Algorithm
  • Defined <EOF> tag in transfered data from simulator to client
  • Adjustable front sensor angle
  • Added KMP Search to find <EOF>

– 2.0.0

  • Added a New City 
  • Added Fog
  • Improvements



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