Holding the Autonomous Cars League
(simulator) of FIRA RoboWorld Cup
SimulCup 2022.
The purpose of FIRA Autonomous Cars
League is to encourage researchers to
develop and work in this field.
Artificial intelligence algorithms that are
developed during these competitions can
create a good basis for moving towards
autonomous cars in the future. The public
acceptance of semi-autonomous cars,
which are being produced today by many
companies around the world, indicates the
need to create and develop these types of
Federation of International Robot-Sports
Association in this period of competitions;
Various workshops related to the
development of autonomous vehicles and
self-driving cars with the presence of
engineers and developers of leading
companies in the field of automobiles;
Robotics and artificial intelligence such as:
Mercedes-Benz; Gestalt Robotics held with
the aim of networking and interaction
between the participating teams and
prominent companies in this field.
FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023 will be hosted by